
Where are files stored in notational velocity
Where are files stored in notational velocity

where are files stored in notational velocity

In an interview with the original Notational Velocity developer, it is apparent that Jef Raskin's book, The humane interface: new directions for designing interactive systems, was an influence in the development of the product. The interface is very minimalist-you don't waste time organising your notes in countless folders, you don't need to waste time hunting for notes, or even checking whether you have a previous note on a given topic-what you do is to type one or more keywords in the search bar and all the notes that match instantaneously appear. It's really hard to understand why without trying it out yourself, or the next best thing, taking a look at a video demonstration (by Paul Miller on ). How in the world would I keep track of hundreds or even thousands of notes (all the notes instantaneously searchable, with virtually zero lag)? Every time I use it, it just amazes me. Right now, 3 weeks later, I don't see how I could use anything else-for text notes, Evernote/Google Docs doesn't come anywhere close. About 1-2 weeks later, I started to get serious and was hooked. Curious, I decided to try it out (I used the nvALT variant), and input my first note on 17 Jul, 2014. So one day, I came across an article about Notational Velocity. Moreover, the possibility that I might have to pay for a subscription if I used it too often, as well as the fear of lock-in was a deterrent to me. Around that time, along came Evernote, but I didn't really see how it was terribly different from Google Docs at the time. Most of my notes were stored in either plain text, or in Google Docs. Later on, I started to try to take my notes electronically more often.

where are files stored in notational velocity

Pretty soon, my notes were all over the place, in multiple notebooks, occasionally in random scraps of paper, and I soon lost track of everything. During my PhD, I initially wrote down most of my notes by hand in a journal.

Where are files stored in notational velocity