
Todoist setup
Todoist setup

todoist setup

I usually set one red flag for my main thing I want to get done that day, and it is usually customer related. Thus, I use the colored flags to set my top priorities. How do you keep from having 20 top priority tasks? The red, orange and yellow flags will automatically default to the top of your list if you are using priority sort (which is the default). Task Priority is one of the difficult things in any to-do list management system. USE FLAGS AND DRAG TO ORDER TO PRIORITIZE IN TODOIST

todoist setup

On Sundays, I usually try to look at the whole list, not just the stuff that has fallen into today "pile". Reprioritize my list, move things out of my inbox to correct projects and get items that are old to the right dates. The iPad application works best for me because not only is it small and great for my pre-morning blanket wrapped to do a review, but swipe left is the quick method for moving to a new date with an awesome interface to move something to today, tomorrow, next week, next month or custom. I have found doing my review in the morning avoids the end-of-day decision fatigue (this is a real thing!) When I am reviewing, I am trying to do a few things. I have to confess that I do this before I get out bed every day. I love the iPad app the most for reviewing my ToDolist. REVIEW TASK LIST EVERY DAY / EVERY WEEK USING THE IPAD APP Under Personal, I have Career/Coaching, Chores, and Shopping.

todoist setup

Under Work, I have Sales, Marketing, and Operations. I have three main projects: Work, Home, and Shared (for shared projects). This is because you can still group related tasks into subtasks to do grouping inside of a ToDoist Project. SET YOUR TODOIST PROJECTS TO BE THE MAIN CATEGORIES IN YOUR LIFEĭon't go too deep on your ToDoist Projects. I add tasks while browsing for a web page I need to remember via the chrome and firefoxplugins.Ģ.Got an email with a task? Just hit the ToDoist button. I add tasks in Gmail with the great ToDoist Gmail plugin.I add tasks to my favorite projects with add task via email.I add tasks on my mobile and iPad when I am on them (usually when out or doing the reading) using the great iOS application.I enter most of my tasks using the PC client with Ctrl-Alt-A (which is the quick add shortcut on PC - I am sure it is similar on Mac).Here are the ways that I input my tasks using ToDoist: Have a quick email to your main projects. One of the main reasons I love ToDoist is that you can put it everywhere. COLLECT EVERYWHERE USING TODOISTS MANY INPUT METHODS Here are my top 10 tips on how to Get Things Done with ToDoist! 1. If you haven't used GTD, review this quick reference chart as I walk through my process. It has just the right amount of customization without being everything to everyone. ToDoist is everything I could want in a to-do list and productivity management tool - simple, elegant and quick. When I finally found ToDoist, I was in extasy. They all felt clunky and against the beauty and simplicity of GTD. All along, I tried nearly every to do list possible - Outlook, Notepad, Wanderlist, Onenote, Excel. ( this post originally appeared on the by. blog here)įor many years, I have been using David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) productivity methodology.

Todoist setup